How to watch the 2017 Eclipse:Protect your EYES!


Everyone is gearing up for the eclipse this Monday. Many people are making last minute shopping trips to the stores for proper eye protection. And good for them! Folks, do not believe that you can wear dark sunglasses and watch this eclipse. You can permanently damage your retina and even cause blindness. This once in a lifetime viewing is not worth a lifetime of eye damage.
Do not think you can use binoculars, regular sunglasses or cameras during the eclipse.

Image result for solar eclipse eyes glasses

Here is how to properly watch the eclipse without causing damage to your vision:

  • Carefully look at your solar filter or eclipse glasses before using them. If you see any scratches or damage, do not use them.
  • Always read and follow all directions that come with the solar filter or eclipse glasses. Help children to be sure they use handheld solar viewers and eclipse glasses correctly.
  • Before looking up at the bright sun, stand still and cover your eyes with your eclipse glasses or solar viewer. After glancing at the sun, turn away and remove your filter—do not remove it while looking at the sun.
  • The only time that you can look at the sun without a solar viewer is during a total eclipse. When the moon completely covers the sun’s bright face and it suddenly gets dark, you can remove your solar filter to watch this unique experience. Then, as soon as the bright sun begins to reappear very slightly, immediately use your solar viewer again to watch the remaining partial phase of the eclipse.
  • Never look at the uneclipsed or partially eclipsed sun through an unfiltered camera, telescope, binoculars or other similar devices. This is important even if you are wearing eclipse glasses or holding a solar viewer at the same time. The intense solar rays coming through these devices will damage the solar filter and your eyes.
  • Talk with an expert astronomer if you want to use a special solar filter with a camera, a telescope, binoculars or any other optical device.
    (taken from American Academy of Ophthalmology; To read more click here.)

Have fun out there Monday and as always, I hope you stay happy and healthy!


Carolyn Clark, NP-C